Courier to Europe from Mumbai

courier to europe

Courier to Europe from Mumbai

Parcel to Europe - Germany, France, Italy & Other EU Countries from India

Unique Services is one of the leading international courier companies that meet the international standards for catering your logistic needs both for the domestic as well as international requirements. In the national front, we serve cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, etc. along with over one lakh pin codes. We cater to countries like the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the Europe. Countries like France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and many others in Europe are served by us.

What are the advantages of hiring our international courier service?

People choose us for our expertise and excellence. Our cargo handling capability is far better than our nearest competitor. Right from packaging and dispatching to tracking and delivering we are the ace domestic and international courier company. Our satisfied clients frequently contact us for our prompt service and that too at very economical and competitive rates. People employ for our versatility also. Our vast cargo handling capacity, backed by more than fifteen years of service makes us one of the best in the field of courier service. Here is an abridged list of chosen few from the wide range of services we offer.

  • Are you moving to Europe for quite a long period? May be some job opportunity or studying a course there. We are there to help you. Trust your extra baggage with us. We will deliver the same at your new address just right in time. Be it furniture, fixture, electronic gadgets, utensils, handicrafts or any other household item you dislike to leave behind, and we are there for you.
  • Want to send some food item to someone in Europe? We pack and carry your parcel to Europe from India with extreme care and deliver the same on time. Food items like fruits, pickles, jam, jelly, dry food, sweet and the like are handled by us.
  • Some important document to be delivered to a friend, relative or acquaintance in Europe? Trust us with your documents like maps, books, product brochures, advertisement leaflets, greetings card, etc. We pack and dispatch such items with greatest care and precaution and deliver them just on time.
  • Gift for a loved one staying in Europe on a special occasion? We are there for you. We carry your greetings card, memento, anniversary or birthday gift, festival gift right to your dear one with accurate care and punctuality so that he or she doesn't feel left out.
  • Someone living in Germany or any other European countries very religious? We carry your parcel to Germany from Mumbai or to anywhere else in Europe containing religious goods like stone carving, temple building material, worship good, prayer item, etc. for your religious acquaintance.
  • Have some export requirement to France, Italy or anywhere else in Europe? We are the courier to Germany from India or to some other place in Europe. Some leading brands and businesses are our regular clients.

Get Excellent Services for Cargo Shipments!

When it comes to best cargo handling, we are in the top of the list of courier companies. We offer the cheapest and most efficient service as Courier to Europe from Mumbai. So, if you have a cargo or any other shipment to be delivered from Mumbai to Europe, then call us today!

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