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Leading International Courier Service Provider in Mumbai, India

  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • Home Pickups
  • Easy Bookings
international courier

We Provide Best Courier & Parcel Services

  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • Home Pickups
  • Easy Bookings



Express Delivery

Best International Courier Services in Mumbai

Unique Courier has been pioneering the courier and logistics field for the past 20 plus years with our world-class array of services. Through our expertise in both International and National Shipping, We at Unique Courier provide holistic solutions to all your Courier Service related issues.

We specialize in providing national and international transport of various materials ranging from commercial shipment of food items and medicines, to excess baggage and household items and even transport commodities like liquid, chemical, and machine compounds, with the help of our smooth and efficient Import and Export routes.

But the reason why we’re the best in this industry is because of our highly-rated customer approval, economic rates, remarkable customer service, and our trademark services which include Free packaging, Light paperwork and documentation !

We stay one step ahead of all the other options in the market, and our competition by employing personalized services, which perfectly cater to your needs. By integrating all the four stages of your business namely - Procurement, Distribution, After Sales Services and Reverse Logistics, we provide our customers with efficient and hassle-free service.

With our lightning fast door-to-door delivery, we can guarantee that your package will reach you in no time! Our long list of patrons and customers can vouch for this;

We believe in involving the customer at every stage of the shipping of their goods, which is why we have developed a powerful system with the help of technological and digital tools that helps you track your shipment with a touch of a button with the help of the airway bill provided during the booking!

Unique Courier, since our establishment, have always taken pride in our long- standing commitment to providing the best, most efficient service to our customers. We wish to serve you with the utmost integrity and goodwill and make your life more convenient!

Are you on the lookout for a top international courier Company in Mumbai? If so, then Unique Courier is one of the leaders in the field. We offer the most comprehensive range of International Courier and Logistics Services at the most economical rates. Being in the business for more than twenty years, we have a rich experience in the field, enabling us to provide the very best for all our customers. The best part is that over the long years in business, owing to the exclusive and customized services, we have managed to acquire patronage from many of our loyal customers.

The best part of our services is that we offer

  • The Best Prices which are Guaranteed
  • Home Pickups
  • Easy Bookings

Why Hire Our International Courier & Logistics Services?

  • We are the one-stop solution for all your International Delivery Needs
  • We have a Wide Range of networks all across the globe, which enables us to deliver at different locations around the world
  • You can avail of matchless rates in terms of international courier services- to enable your business to stay profitable
  • Benefit from the use of the latest and most advanced technology to track your consignment
  • We offer specialized services, which include everything from Commercial Shipments to delivery of Food Items & Medicines.
  • As part of our specialized service, we also offer our exclusive range of delivery services, including handling excess Baggage & Household related deliveries.
  • Unique Courier also offers specialized services in commodities like liquid, and parts of machines and also certain types of chemicals.
  • We also offer customized delivery solutions best suited to meet your specific delivery needs to add a personal touch.
  • All these have made us the undisputed leaders of providers of international courier services in Mumbai.

To know more about the exclusive range of international courier services we offer, please feel free to Contact Us!!!

Our Service

International courier near me

International & Domestics Door To Door Service

Skip the long lines and the bureaucratic red tape through our hassle-free, smooth and efficient International and Domestic Door-to-Door service!

International courier in mumbai

Express Delivery For Urgent Documents & Parcel

With our super-fast, tamper-free express delivery, get all your last-minute documents and parcels delivered to your door in no time!

International courier services

Home Made / Branded Food Items

Carry the taste of home with you, and indulge in delicacies from all around the world through our economical and express delivery of Home Made/ Branded Food Items!

international courier near me

Excess Baggage Delivery Anywhere In The World

You never have to worry about over-packing or overweight luggage ever again, Just opt for our flexible and convenient international excess baggage claim!


Commercial Shipments For All Type Of industries

To address all your business and industrial needs, we offer special, smooth, and budget-friendly commercial shipment of goods, materials, and compounds both nationally and internationally!


Domestic- Pan India Service

Cross all geographical borders in our vast country through our effortless, trouble-free, and economic Pan India Shipping!

Why Choose Us

Best International Courier Company in Mumbai

Through our premium and pocket-friendly and a wide network of international services, you can courier your shipments to any corner of the world from any part of Mumbai, without even lifting a finger!

Excess Baggage & Household

Our expertise in transporting excess bagging and household goods along with our fast door-to-door delivery sets us apart from the rest of the industry!

Home Made/ Branded Food Items

Our signature homemade and branded food delivery can help you reminisce the taste of home or indulge in the most exotic delicacies from the destination of your choice - completely hassle-free.

Documents, Parcel, Commercial Shipments

We offer attractive deals on documents, parcels, and commercial shipments that are unparalleled by the rest of the shipping industry!

Our Clients

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